Wednesday, April 27, 2022

QR Code


I chose a picture that I edited and made that meant a lot to me. I then put the code on it and had it direct to my girlfriends instagram account. 

Manipulating Face or Body Through Photoshop


I changed the shape of my mouth, for everyone always says how mad or angry I appear and this was the one time I smiled in a picture. Therefore, I changed this smile into a smile and frown mixed together to make myself look as if I have a sick face. I then gave myself bumps on my shoulders just to change more of the photo. I changed the laces on the ball to appear crooked and the "W" on my Wilson glove to be spun within itself. 

I chose to use a picture of my girlfriend, and make everything smaller on her face. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Adobe Portfolio


In today's class we were instructed to show the rest of our classmates what we had done so far on our blog. For me, this includes my "About Me", "Photoshop Work", "Photography", and "Drawings".

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

eBook Cover

 This was our tutorial on how to make a book cover on Abode Indesign. There wasn't a ton to this project off the bat, but then we were instructed to make our own eBook Cover project.

In my own eBook, I wanted to keep this same dark, mean sort of background. In order to do this I used a black and white picture of one of the most iconic places in all of baseball, Fenway Park. After doing this, I thought to myself what baseball really means to me. The most important thing in all of baseball is being with the guys I consider my brothers. Lastly, I thought the most logical spot for the author and the secondary title to be was in the bottom left, in all of the fans. It makes the reader think about the fans just as much they are the players by bringing their attention to them. 

Myles Center Dedication


  • What time you arrive and leave your event

  • What you showcased/demonstrated in the Mac Lab

  • Who performed/spoke/demonstrated and a description and reflection
    • Include other interesting or relevant details specific to your participation.

    I arrived at the event at approximately 10:55, then left the event at around 12:50/1. There was a mixture of people speaking. The people who did were the president and vice-president of the college. There were two representatives from the 2 Senate spots in West Virginia. The maker of the sculpture spoke and then Ms. Myles spoke on everything and what inspired her thoughts and dreams (The Monkeys). Going back to the performers, the 2 ballet girls were performing on the stage right in front of you when you walk in through all of the displays of art. Seeing all of the different parts of art on display for everyone was very cool, alongside the ribbon cutting. The only things I showcased were my pieces on the walls. I had to be at baseball shortly after, so I had to leave after all of the presentation concluded. Although this was the case, I still loved hearing all of the wonderful things that people had to say about Ms. Myles. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

GIS Website (Story)

 StoryMap GIS

I believe for my personal story map I want to present my hometown. I want to use the smaller places like my house and the areas I own, then small restaurants and stores around us. I feel this would just give people who don't know me background on myself and my family. 

Claysville, PA 

QR Code

  I chose a picture that I edited and made that meant a lot to me. I then put the code on it and had it direct to my girlfriends instagram a...